The 2023 Alberta Dental Fee Guide

The Alberta Dental Fee Guide is Published

The Alberta Dental Fee Guide is a list of dental service descriptions and fees set by the Alberta Dental Association. This guide is optional for each dentist to consider when setting fees for dental treatments. The Alberta Dental Fee Guide has been published since 2017 and provides suggested dental fees.

Transparency of Fees

The Alberta Dental Fee Guide provides an opportunity for you, your dental insurance and dental clinics that follow this guide to coordinate the costs of dental services and dental benefits. No more finger-pointing about the fees being charged!

We Follow the Alberta Dental Fee Guide!

The Alberta Dental Fee Guide is followed by Calgary Dentists and Cochrane Dentists at our Huntington Family Dental Clinic. Most dental health providers or dental insurance providers typically follow the Alberta Dental Fee Guide to calculate coverage amounts. By having dental insurance follow the Alberta Dental Fee Guide, there should be less confusion about the amounts covered.

Alberta Dental Fee Guide Updates

Dec 26, 2022 – The 2023 Alberta Dental Fee Guide will be implemented on Jan 1, 2023. Preview the future: The 2023 Alberta Dental Fee Guide 

Download : 2023 Alberta Dental Fee Guide

  • Full Copy

    Download a complete copy of the entire 2023 Alberta Dental Fee Guide. in PDF format. All treatments are classified on a 5-digit code. This guide is maintained by the Alberta Dental Association (ADA).

  • Full Copy

    Download a summary of the 2023 Alberta Dental Fee Guide in PDF format. This is a condensed summary of common dental procedures and fees.

  • Alberta Blue Cross

    The Alberta Blue Cross Usual and Customary dental fees are currently aligned with the Alberta Dental Association and College (ADA&C) provincial fee guide.

Huntington Family Dental - Calgary

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Accepting CDCP Patients

We will be providing service under the new Canadian Dental Care Plan. Please give us a call to learn more.

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